Mellow Twilights

There is a word in Sanskrit called “sandhya” meaning twilight, dusk and perfection. A beautiful name to describe these beautiful moments of ours.

I think there is something numinous in twilights, specifically in sunset and sunrise. They are the times of change in colors, of beginnings and ends which give me a sense of tranquility,  a clear and calm mind. I simply love to sit and watch the turning of sky and if there are colorful clouds that enjoy this twilights more than us, there is nothing better. Every single time I am amazed how quickly it becomes night or day and how twilights separates these things which cannot exist without each other.

And there is the feeling of cool weather of sunrise that touches your arm, kissing your hair; coming of darkness to recover you after a long and tiring day… Pure feeling of earth.

I have a playlist that I have been adding beautiful calm songs for that mellow times. You can listen it here or here or here. I do not know which one will work for you yet if you have Spotify you should be okay!


And remember:

“There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.” – Jo Walton

6 Comments Add yours

  1. This is a really beautiful post. That Playlist looks interesting but wow do I feel o ld only recognising 4 songs out of 73. Haha. I really love the idea and what it represents. I look forward to playing it through on a peaceful night!
    Loving your work btw!


    1. Maybe these are the songs that are not famous yet! Thank you so much for sparing time for the playlist and for your good comments 🙂 I would be very happy to hear from you after you played it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh no trust me I’m just way out of touch. I’ve actually been trying to get back into music after years of disinterest. A Playlist like this full of the unknown to me is perfect.
        It’ll be getting played asap, I have a late night commute tomorrow that I’ve set it aside for. 😄

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh, it is all good then, I hope you like the songs! Enjoy your trip Cameron 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Just Yamini says:

    Loved your introduction. Incidentally, my name means ‘sandhya’ too.

    Just Yamini


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